
World: The Trump has already filed four lawsuits for the vote count

[ad_1] World: Trumps has already filed four lawsuits for vote counting Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”fb005362-4ebf-4ce6-b058-99506506ca6d”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Népszavazással erősítették meg a városvezetők akaratát Portlandben, ahol az Egyesült Államok elnöke és kongresszusi képviselői mellett a hatósági arcfelismerésről is voksoltak …

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World: Szijjártó did not infect Cambodian leaders

[ad_1] World: Szijjártó did not infect Cambodian leaders Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”90901f8b-2109-4b90-aff7-a32a2cef51b4″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”A kormány újranyitja a 25 éve bezárt külképviseletét a kambodzsai fővárosban, 47 milliárd forintos segélyhitelprogramot indít és a magyar Eximbank 15,5 milliárd forintos hitelkeretet …

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World: In Italy, a night curfew will be enacted, with four provinces completely closed

[ad_1] World: night curfew in Italy, four provinces completely closed Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”0c475a8c-221e-4df5-bbcc-80761f2b5c37″,”c_author”:”Gránit Pólus”,”category”:”brandchannel”,”description”:”Lassan egy éve fenekestül felfordult az életünk. Amikor az első magyarországi koronavírus-fertőzöttet diagnosztizálták, még nem gondoltuk, hogy ilyen sokáig elhúzódik majd …

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USA 2020: Who will be the new president?

[ad_1] There will be no need for further restrictions if we adhere to the current ones, the prime minister said in a video posted on his community page. Viktor Orbán emphasized that cooperation is needed to stop the spread of the epidemic. The prime minister said operational staff are reviewing …

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The paper form went into effect, Ferencváros scored three goals

[ad_1] Juventus won 4-1 as a guest of Ferencváros in the Football Champions League group championship on Wednesday night at the Puskás Arena. Morata’s double decided (Photo: Attila Török) CHAMPIONS LEAGUE, GROUP CIRCUITROUND 3GROUP G FERENCVÁROS – JUVENTUS (Italian) 1-4 (0-1)Budapest, Puskás Arena, 20,000 viewers. Directed by: Grinfeld (izraeli)FTC: Dibusz …

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Messi sent a moving message to Maradon

[ad_1] The mtt, which was considered one of the best soccer games of all time by Diego Maradón due to skull fat, was successful in Argentina on Tuesday. The Argentine legend, his compatriot, Barcelona’s world-class forward Lionel Messi, sent a splash of music. On Wednesday, Lionel Messi of the Argentine …

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