
At home: again, more than 5,000 in newly infected Hungary

[ad_1] At home: again, more than 5 thousand in newly infected Hungary Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”3ec388bb-834f-4874-a0d7-8eaa6fa08d3d”,”c_author”:”Németh András”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”A The Sun című brit bulvárlap értesülései szerint néhány hónapon belül lemond tisztségéről az állítólag Parkinson-kórban szenvedő Vlagyimir Putyin …

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World: Trump still doesn’t accept being lost

[ad_1] World: Trump still does not accept being lost Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”cd03b6d7-7d99-4b2d-ae56-1af16a2d0620″,”c_author”:”Gécs Dániel”,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”A futurisztikus London adja az ősz egyik nagy költségvetésű videojátékának helyszínét, de a Watch Dogs: Legion nem csak a terep miatt különleges. …

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The number of infected people has risen to a critical level

[ad_1] The number of coronavirus infections in the United States has surpassed 10 million, according to data from Johns Hopkins University and Hospital Sunday night. With this, the United States became the first country in the world to have more than ten million people infected with the new type of …

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