
At home: Four opposition parties leave the House Committee due to a fat coalition

[ad_1] Start: Four opposition parties leave House Committee due to a fat coalition | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”32dbb422-9920-4778-8b42-0169d8da84ca”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”A moncsicsi-Jézus, az elfuserált Madonna és a felhúzott szemöldökű Szent György után már nem is csodálkozunk. rn”,”shortLead”:”A moncsicsi-Jézus, …

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Index – Culture – Welsh bards now sing to Hungarians

[ad_1] Magyar Cymru is a Welsh-Hungarian cultural initiative that aims to build a bridge between the two countries by organizing programs and describing news and stories in three languages ​​(Welsh, English, Hungarian). To establish this relationship, the Hungarians made a film for the Welsh people in the summer, in which …

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The last Hungarian-Icelandic match was a nightmare

[ad_1] The Hungarian and Icelandic soccer teams played several important matches together, but none of the two teams’ matches against the previous 11 matches was as memorable as the European Championship group stage match on June 18, 2016 in Marseilles. Before the European Championship in Cstrtki, we relived history a …

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Coronavirus: Latest Data Released

[ad_1] The number of new infections around the world has gradually increased this week, with more than 52 million people already known to authorities on Thursday morning. The epidemic is spreading faster and faster around the world, according to the latest data from US Johns Hopkins University on Thursday morning, …

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