
Record number of new infections worldwide

[ad_1] The death toll from the epidemic exceeds 1.3 million worldwide and the number of new infections is near record. The coronavirus has so far infected more than 53 million people. The spread of the epidemic in the world accelerated slightly, according to data from Johns Hopkins University in the …

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Diabetes doubles the chance of death from coronavirus

[ad_1] People with diabetes have at least twice the risk of Covid-19-related death from a new type of coronavirus, according to a recent study, writes the MTI. The Lancet, a British medical journal, said Thursday that it “ became clear that people with diabetes are more vulnerable, at least twice …

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Technology: Coronavirus: diabetes doubles risk of death

[ad_1] Coronavirus: diabetes doubles the risk of death Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”486bf43e-9d8b-47ec-ac96-30a060258829″,”c_author”:”HVG”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Megerősítette az Orbán-kormány, hogy továbbra is megnehezíti Ukrajna uniós és NATO-kapcsolatait, miután a kijevi külügyminisztérium két magyar kormányzati vezetőt kitiltott az országból.”,”shortLead”:”Megerősítette az Orbán-kormány, hogy továbbra is megnehezíti …

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