
Economy: Katalin Novák would now help single parents, opposition decreases

[ad_1] Economy: Katalin Novák would now help single parents, opposition decreases Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”93120ca1-284f-40dd-b373-1e795ebdf0ba”,”c_author”:”Dobos Emese”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A legfrissebb számok rendkívül színes képet mutatnak a luxusszegmens válságállóságáról. Bizonyos kulturális jelenségeknek is szerepük lehet abban, hogy miként keveredhet ki a drága …

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Gábor Kemenesi: this is what awaits us after the vaccine

[ad_1] Gábor Kemenesi brought the example of Israel as good news, where because world leaders in vaccinating the population managed to spread the spread of the virus. Based on the value of R0, the figure below also shows the point where the population’s vaccination rate has reached 100%, Kemenesi says, …

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Gyurcsány is now joking about indoor plant inoculation

[ad_1] Notably, Sándor Szaniszló announced on Facebook almost triumphantly on Thursday that the district would return hundreds of Chinese vaccines because there were no applicants for them. However, Szaniszló, who had been defected from the MSZP by the Gyurcsány party a few years ago, calculated: over the course of a …

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the national teams of Hungary and Russia also achieved it

[ad_1] After the victory of the Hungarian women’s handball team against Serbia, all that was needed was the success of the defending Olympic team Russia against Kazakhstan to officially declare that the Hungarian team participates in Tokyo. It happened, even if it was a bit more difficult than expected … …

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A coronavirus can cause a dental catastrophe

[ad_1] This program will email you the title and introduction of the article, all you have to do is enter the recipient’s email address. You can also add some line comments to the message in the “Comment” section. Due to the epidemic and closure, many people are neglecting it or …

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