
Index – Foreign – Austria last opened today

[ad_1] Austria has the highest rate of new coronavirus infections in the world, according to the ranking of the online database Our World in Data. In Austria, the seven-day average is 831 new infections per million inhabitants, ahead of Georgia (781), Switzerland (743), the Czech Republic (674) and Slovenia (668). …

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World: Twenty-five days later, Kim Jong Un

[ad_1] World: Kim Jong Un | twenty five days later Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”46aaba21-2d7a-41b3-a055-2516df00541d”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Ausztria a kijárási korlátozások feloldása után, december 7-től Szlovákiához hasonlóan tömeges tesztelésbe kezd – jelentette be vasárnap Sebastian Kurz kancellár.”,”shortLead”:”Ausztria a kijárási …

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“So I swore you wouldn’t see me cry!”

[ad_1] Lewis Hamilton it ended with the victory of the chaotic Grand Prix of Turkey, which brought incredible excitement. Earlier this weekend, Mercedes suffered greatly from Pirelli’s tough mixes, which couldn’t get enough traction on the Istanbul asphalt track. The Briton, who took the seventh World Championship title in style, …

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World: Doctors wanted in Naples, long lines of snakes at test stations in Rome

[ad_1] World: Doctors wanted in Naples, long lines of snakes at test stations in Rome | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”505ec12a-c3de-444b-bfa3-1e332a7d7133″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Megnyitása óta 50 különböző rendezvényt tartottak az arénában.”,”shortLead”:”Megnyitása óta 50 különböző rendezvényt tartottak az arénában.”,”id”:”20201114_184_millio_forintot_fizetett_a_NER_hogy_a_Puskas_Stadionban_bulizhasson”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”528cf896-745f-4146-a9a3-7d14a771e1dc”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/gazdasag/20201114_184_millio_forintot_fizetett_a_NER_hogy_a_Puskas_Stadionban_bulizhasson”,”timestamp”:”2020. november. …

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Putin turned his shameful defeat into success

[ad_1] Although the ceasefire that ended the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan was mediated by Moscow, this success, in fact, exposes the weakness of the Russian regime, which is marked by the name of President Vladimir Putin. Does the Russian-mediated ceasefire between Azerbaijan and Armenia mean victory for Moscow? asks …

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World: Moscow says refugees are already returning to Nagorno-Karabakh

[ad_1] World: Moscow says refugees are already returning to Nagorno-Karabakh | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”7933df8b-de5d-4d61-a198-c161f323e5a1″,”c_author”:”Farkas Zoltán”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Az MNB volt alelnökének angolul megjelent könyve a 2008-as válságkezelés menetét idézi fel, különös aktualitását pedig a koronavírus-járványt kísérő visszaesés …

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