
World: Trump’s hopes of winning the election somehow fall short

[ad_1] World: Trump hopes to win the elections somehow Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”fe878353-359c-4701-82ae-e24d62c841d0″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”Egy kutatóintézet arra hívta fel a figyelmet, hogy hiába lenne karbonsemleges az Európai Unió, összességében csak kiszervezik a határokon túlra a szennyezést és …

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World: PE: agreements reached on the EU budget and the rule of law are also final

[ad_1] World: PE: agreements reached on EU budget and rule of law finalized | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”36f68626-4b50-4443-9a9a-d398142c7b67″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Ahogy gyengült a forint, újra túlcsúszott a dohánytermékek adója az uniós határértéken. Az újabb adóemelés közel 230 forint …

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Sport: Hungary-Turkey 2-0, winner of the Hungarian national team group

[ad_1] Sport: Hungary-Turkey 2-0, group winner of the Hungarian national team | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”a17edc9c-b5ba-4ecd-8384-d8fbf9e3ef7f”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Önéletrajzi könyvéhez, mintegy mellékletként újabb playlistet állított össze Barack Obama.nn”,”shortLead”:”Önéletrajzi könyvéhez, mintegy mellékletként újabb playlistet állított össze Barack Obama.nn”,”id”:”20201117_Az_Obamakorszak_zeneben_elbeszelve__ujabb_playlist_az_exelnoktol”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”5b01ab91-ea25-4ad3-98b2-7963d4bb372f”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/elet/20201117_Az_Obamakorszak_zeneben_elbeszelve__ujabb_playlist_az_exelnoktol”,”timestamp”:”2020. november. …

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Life + Style: Balázs Fecó was hospitalized in a crisis

[ad_1] Life + Style: Balázs Fecó was hospitalized in a state of crisis Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”7ee7cb48-03db-4d88-9e6b-3cd5cd84ffc5″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Tíz dózis minta érkezik Magyarországra az orosz oltóanyagból.”,”shortLead”:”Tíz dózis minta érkezik Magyarországra az orosz oltóanyagból.”,”id”:”20201118_szijjarto_orosz_vakcina”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”9622cfb0-0b15-427d-b2d9-25b19435bcf1″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/gazdasag/20201118_szijjarto_orosz_vakcina”,”timestamp”:”2020. november. 18. 15:58″,”title”:”Szijjártó: Mi …

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Index – Abroad – Italy has run out of medical oxygen

[ad_1] There is also not enough medical oxygen for coronavirus patients in hospitals and officially quarantined, writes La Repubblica. The demand for medical oxygen used to cure the coronavirus has risen four hundred percent in recent weeks. The newspaper asked Federfarma, an association representing almost 20,000 pharmacies, and found that …

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Life + Style: SZFE affair: another German company canceled its performance at the Vidnyánszky festival

[ad_1] Life + Style: SZFE affair: another German company canceled its performance at the Vidnyánszky festival | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”09608ac5-8542-4cca-b3c4-9dca3813a78a”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Jelentősen emelkedett a fertőzöttek száma, ezzel együtt az egészségügy leterheltsége is nő. Az Emmi államtitkára …

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