
Index – Economy – Why do we need EU money?

[ad_1] “Every development we have planned for the next 10 years can be solved on our own” – This is how Viktor Orbán put it on Kossuth Radio Good morning, Hungary! on Friday, referring to the fact that the Hungarian veto announced due to the rule of law mechanism may …

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The Christmas deputy didn’t go all alone

[ad_1] Many were surprised by the resignation of David Doros, but the deputy mayor had been without air in the city hall for a while. Chose an unusual way to quit David doros Deputy mayor. Thursday night he posted on his Facebook page one Christmas to Gergely letter addressed, to …

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At home: 96 people died of coronavirus, 4,440 new infections found

[ad_1] At home: 96 people died from coronavirus, 4440 new infections found Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”16db005a-9fa8-4859-b306-5c972b3e2f64″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Nem csak a bank ügyfelei kaptak a hamisított leveléből, amihez egy vírusos fájlt csatoltak.”,”shortLead”:”Nem csak a bank ügyfelei kaptak a …

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At home: Viktor Orbán: There is no indication that the contagion slowdown has started

[ad_1] Start: Viktor Orbán: There is no evidence that the infection has started to slow down | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”c5d01744-a1e1-4572-bedd-170df6c830ff”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”A főleg megváltozott munkaképességűeket foglalkoztató Szegedi Fonalfeldolgozó Zrt.-t adja az állam az egyházmegyének. Az egymilliárd …

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The original profession of Rúzsa Magdi –

[ad_1] Magdi lipstick She is one of the best female performers in the country, but perhaps few know what her original profession is. It is no coincidence that the singer loves children, as she helped hundreds of children to be born as a teenager. His original profession is midwifery. At …

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World: WHO is concerned about the deterioration of the epidemic in the Middle East

[ad_1] World: WHO concerned about the deterioration of the epidemic in the Middle East | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f29cc575-51a1-4b04-b041-4690bd22c2fa”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Negatív lett a második tesztje is, nem írja tovább a karanténnaplót.rn”,”shortLead”:”Negatív lett a második tesztje is, nem …

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