
Index – Foreign – Made in Israel: Words have weight

[ad_1] The US secretary of state traveled to Israel this week to visit an unprecedented Jewish settlement in the West Bank. Walking through the area, he also visited the Golan Heights. The message of Mike Pompeo’s action has a strong message: it legitimizes the invasion of the Palestinian territories and …

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At home: Miklós Kásler: We have extraordinary times ahead

[ad_1] At home: Miklós Kásler: Extraordinary times are coming Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”02718949-8bd9-4de7-973b-a1e2cccae3af”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”Miközben kutatók egy csoportja műanyagszennyezést mutatott ki a csúcsnál vett mintákból, más szakértők a hegycsúcs közelében fekvő gleccser egyre gyorsuló olvadását mérték ki.”,”shortLead”:”Miközben …

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Another surprise: Nadal’s dizzying series is over

[ad_1] Russian Danyiil Medvedev will play the final on Sunday in Austria Dominic Thiemmel at the ATP World Championships for male tennis players in London, MTI wrote.The fourth highlight of the tournament defeated second place in the world rankings in three sets on Saturday night, Rafael Nadalt. In the first …

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