
TV2’s costume show Nicsak, who am I?

[ad_1] Launched with new star teams on TV2 a It doesn’t matter who I am – The stage of mysteries season two, and when we got used to it, three celebrities came out on the first show. As it turned out, Lagzi Lajcsi, Zséda and László Cseh performed in the …

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Cecília Müller: the goal is not to have to push harder

[ad_1] The coronavirus has spread in Hungary, according to data from Sunday, ninety percent of settlements are affected, said the national medical director on channel M1 on Sunday. Cecília Müller emphasized that this must be done accordingly, since potentially anyone, anywhere in the country, could become infected and become infected. …

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Zhvg: Cannabis That Cannot Be Scammed – CBD Trade Released In The EU

[ad_1] Zhvg: Cannabis That Cannot Be Scammed: EU CBD Trade Released | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”3af61547-fb49-48dc-b479-53a81045056e”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Két dinoszaurusz összefonódott csontvázát őrző ősmaradvánnyal gyarapodott az Észak-Karolinai Természettudományi Múzeum gyűjteménye.”,”shortLead”:”Két dinoszaurusz összefonódott csontvázát őrző ősmaradvánnyal gyarapodott az Észak-Karolinai …

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Ibrahimovic went twice for Napoli and AC Milan for another

[ad_1] On Sunday night, AC Milan Zlatan Ibrahimovic defeated Napoli 3-1 at the San Paolo stadium thanks to matchday eight of the Italian soccer league, with Stefano Pioli regaining the advantage in qualifying and the Serie A still undefeated. -in. The two rounds were separated by three points, and until …

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World: Coronavirus vaccination may begin in the United States in December

[ad_1] World: Vaccination against coronavirus may begin in the United States in December Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1a5586f9-b347-45cf-bc4c-c55d4cc3425d”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”A melegebb idő és a hőingadozások miatt több a gyenge, veszélyes jégfelület.”,”shortLead”:”A melegebb idő és a hőingadozások miatt több …

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No one could stop Medvedev in London

[ad_1] Russian Danyiil Medvedev won the London ATP World Championship for male tennis players after beating the Austrian Dominic Thiemetwrote MTI. The third-ranked Viennese player, who was also a finalist last year, took his fourth-ranked Russian serve with 2: 2 in the first set, then took his advantage and led …

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Discovered, who am I? Swan and horse

[ad_1] A Not who i am? In the first show of season 2, two more skins were revealed after the corn mask was revealed. The Nicsak, who am I? His horse and swan also had to reveal themselves – Photo: TV2 First the Swan his identity has been revealed. He …

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It is planned to lift the quarantine in France in three stages

[ad_1] The French government will gradually lift the general quarantine for the coronavirus epidemic in three steps by January 2021, it said. Gabriel attal Government spokesman in an interview with the Sunday magazine Le Journal du Dimanche. “Mitigation will be implemented in three stages depending on the evolution of the …

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László Cseh tricked everyone in Nicsak, who am I?

[ad_1] We had no idea what year was in store for us when, in February, we even thought we had hit a low point with the two major commercial TV stations judging their viewers for guessing the identities of the celebrities hiding behind ugly masks on Sundays. at night. Since …

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