
In Germany, population transplantation can start soon

[ad_1] Vaccination against the new type of coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) in Germany may start in early 2021 at the latest, but perhaps in December this year, Federal Government Health Minister Jens Spahn said on Monday, at IDT Biology Vaccine Development and Manufacturing Company in Dessau. during the visit. The minister is …

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Naked, Tyson showed that he had lost 45 pounds.

[ad_1] It will take place early Sunday morning at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. Mike tyson Y Roy Jones Jr. boxing match, which everyone is expecting with a bit of hype. Tyson, 54, made a statement to Good Morning America on Monday, simply talking about being in such shape …

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World: Armenia cedes 121 municipalities to Azerbaijan

[ad_1] World: Armenia cedes 121 municipalities to Azerbaijan Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”d3973bd3-28a8-4da2-b13f-f72453dab386″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Patrick Quinn 37 éves volt. 2013-ban diagnosztizálták nála az ALS-t.”,”shortLead”:”Patrick Quinn 37 éves volt. 2013-ban diagnosztizálták nála az ALS-t.”,”id”:”20201123_Meghalt_a_jeges_vodros_kihivas_egyik_kozponti_figuraja”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”9a4309ab-e9ca-4082-a0af-f5417af536c3″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/elet/20201123_Meghalt_a_jeges_vodros_kihivas_egyik_kozponti_figuraja”,”timestamp”:”2020. november. 23. 07:38″,”title”:”Meghalt a jeges …

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Economy: Arrest Soros before the Court of Justice of the European Communities

[ad_1] Economy: Arrest Soros before the Court of Justice of the European Communities Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”84534303-b012-4bf9-a87f-ce44ac64d6a2″,”c_author”:”HVG Könyvek”,”category”:”hvgkonyvek”,”description”:”Karácsony felé közeledve különösen aktuális a kérdés: honnan tudhatjuk, hogy valóban jutányos áron vásárolunk, vagy épp ravasz marketinggel …

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At home: George Clooney responded to the government: I look forward to the day when Hungary rediscovers what it once was

[ad_1] At Home: Responded to Government George Clooney: I look forward to the day Hungary rediscovers what it was | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”544d8b7b-7e1f-40e4-a606-87fc0689fb8b”,”c_author”:”Tálas Andrea”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A százéves ember kilépett az ablakon, egyszer már visszatért, de kétséges, hogy …

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George Clooney says the Orbans are lying

[ad_1] The secret history of the 2018 elections in 84 color pages. I’ll buy it “Orbán’s propaganda machine lies, right,” American film actor George Clooney responded to accusations by the Hungarian government media that he criticized Viktor Orbán’s system in a television interview just because he was under the influence …

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