
Tennis: now I would stare at nothing – Fucsovics

[ad_1] Márton Fucsovics, who said goodbye to the Miami tennis tournament on Monday in the third round, has gotten through weeks of hard work and success, MTI said. Advertisement Fucsovics did not play tennis on Monday (Photo: Getty Images) In a statement to the MTI, the 40th place in the …

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Sergio Agüero leaves at the end of the season – official –

[ad_1] Ten years after his arrival, Sergio Agüero, the forward of the Argentine national team, leaves Manchester City after not announcing the contract of the 32-year-old forward, which expires in the summer, after the leader of the list of the league will announce it on its official website. Advertisement Announcement …

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At home: Coronavirus: 189 dead, 7263 newly infected

[ad_1] Start: Coronavirus: 189 dead, 7263 new infected Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”854dc94d-e870-4201-a712-674faffe55b7″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”A Volkswagen német autókonszern bejelentette, kártérítést fog követelni azoktól az egykori vállalatvezetőktől, akik felelősek a 2015-ös dízelbotrányért. A döntés két személyt, a VW volt vezérigazgatóját, …

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Enterprise: one of the richest businessmen in the Czech Republic died in a helicopter accident

[ad_1] Enterprise: one of the richest businessmen in the Czech Republic dies in a helicopter accident Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b69a731f-565e-42cd-bd77-0ca22cdcd54a”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”Joe Biden amerikai elnök kibővítené a Föld napjára, április 22-ére kormánya által szervezett klímavédelmi csúcstalálkozó résztvevő országainak …

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Vb 2022: Dani Olmo saved Spain in Georgia

[ad_1] In the second round matches of the 2022 World Cup European qualifiers, Georgia came close to defeating Spain on Sunday night, Denmark cut eight against Moldova and the Armenians lead their group for the time being, beating Iceland. The joy of Dani Olmo, the pain of Georgia (Photo: AFP) …

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