
Technology: Google has had a big shutdown: YouTube, Gmail and almost everything has become inaccessible

[ad_1] Tech: There was a big shutdown at Google: YouTube, Gmail and almost everything became inaccessible | Do you want to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”fa4c4c6d-20c7-4aa7-b710-e8a88e6fe93c”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Jelentős lezárások lesznek az egytonnás, élesített amerikai bomba miatt.”,”shortLead”:”Jelentős lezárások lesznek az egytonnás, élesített amerikai bomba …

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John le Carré, king of spy novels, died

[ad_1] Holiday 444 Circle I am joining At age 89, according to its editor, David Cornwell, the former intelligence turned classic in the modern spy novel John John Carré, died of pneumonia. Not only did it come out of the pen of genre books or bestsellers after the calls, it …

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World: Brexit: Johnson says positions are still a long way off

[ad_1] World: Brexit: Johnson says positions are still too far Do you want to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”88643a59-8ab9-40db-8a21-9e11bedf3aff”,”c_author”:”Bihari Ádám”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Mindenki győztesként térhetett haza Brüsszelből, de vajon ki lesz az, aki hosszú távon is teli zsebbel és arcvesztés nélkül vészeli át a …

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Leclerc also said goodbye to Vettel: “It was an honor …”

[ad_1] In 2019, Charles Leclerc joined the Ferrari team Sebastian Vettel and they had gone through a difficult and uneventful year, they also hit each other in Brazil, which was perhaps the culmination of their conflict. This year, the Reds’ fight brought them together a bit, although Monaco still managed …

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