
Technology: GTA 5 is free, you can download for free one of the best video games of all time

[ad_1] Technology: GTA 5 is free, you can download for free one of the best video games of all time Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”702eb2db-245e-4dd6-bf94-ce352aaaa2bb”,”c_author”:”Szentgyörgyi Rita”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Két játékállat filozofálgat a lét nagy kérdéseiről Budapesten és Los Angelesben Enyedi …

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Index – Technology – GTA5 free for everyone!

[ad_1] We’re breaking our longstanding tradition (two months!) And starting our low-cost monthly recommendation article with an extraordinary announcement: Epic Games Store is delivering the hugely successful Grand Theft Auto 5, one of the best-selling video of all times, for free. In case anyone doesn’t know what it’s all about, …

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Technology: Hungarian contact tracking app VírusRadar now available for download

[ad_1] Technology: the Hungarian contact tracking app, VírusRadar | Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”d8ef45c1-6b9a-4de9-b236-c7366c208503″,”c_author”:”Lengyel Miklós”,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Európa több országában vizsgálták a kisebbségek helyzetét, és lesújtó a kép. “,”shortLead”:”Európa több országában vizsgálták a kisebbségek helyzetét, és lesújtó a kép. “,”id”:”20200513_Kulonosen_sulyosan_erinti_a_romakat_a_mostani_valsag”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”365d12df-2ba4-434b-9fca-7bd3e73d2266″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/gazdasag/20200513_Kulonosen_sulyosan_erinti_a_romakat_a_mostani_valsag”,”timestamp”:”2020. …

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Economy: Government Says Resuming Life Requires Billion Dollar Hunting Show

[ad_1] Economy: Government Says Billions in Game Display Needed to Restart Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”be0d0cb3-bc55-4fa4-b867-3afb15a93886″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Már a korábbi, világjárványt nem okozó, de veszélyes rokon-koronavírusok is kimutatták, hogy a kórokozók képesek idegrendszeri fertőzést okozni. Magyar tudósok szerint a …

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Index – Economy – According to the government, a strong green package goes against the interests of the Hungarian people

[ad_1] Hungary does not want the European Green Agreement, the European Green Agreement, to be at the center of crisis management, because according to the current position of the government, it is “against the interests of the Hungarian people”. Balázs Schanda, Political Secretary of State of the Ministry of Innovation …

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we know almost everything about the iPhone 12

[ad_1] Foam is developing its new models under the legendary secrets of Apple, and they do their best to prevent information leakage, but somehow they never succeed. Usually in late spring, we’ll have an exact picture of what the next iPhone will look like. This time, though, maybe more information …

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Technology: Hungarians were freed, 15,000 people applied for the free IT course in one day

[ad_1] Technology: Hungarians freed, 15,000 requested a free state IT course in one day | Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”569e1ec9-2740-487f-91df-449b4d26e2a4″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”A biztonsági szakértők iráni és dél-koreai kibertámadásokra is figyelmeztetnek.”,”shortLead”:”A biztonsági szakértők iráni és dél-koreai kibertámadásokra is figyelmeztetnek.”,”id”:”20200511_fbi_kina_hackerek_koronavirus_gyogyszer_vakcina”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”b031889a-81d8-4021-9a0f-162bf96e9aef”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/tudomany/20200511_fbi_kina_hackerek_koronavirus_gyogyszer_vakcina”,”timestamp”:”2020. május. …

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Technology: the Danube has been 134 km shorter

[ad_1] Technology: Danube shorter by 134 km | Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”74299c63-2e82-48b5-969e-80c61161d190″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”Ha nem is hivatalos az alábbi formaterv, de hangulatában elég jól beleillik a Bugatti irányvonalába. “,”shortLead”:”Ha nem is hivatalos az alábbi formaterv, de hangulatában elég …

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