
SZFE transformation: Vidnyánszky also spoke

[ad_1] At all times, I thought that we could work together, this was what Attila Vidnyánszky told M5 Híradó after the leadership of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts and the Senate resigned with effect from September 1. The Director General of the National Theater has recently been appointed …

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At home: Palkovics arbitrarily rewrote which investigation should get money from OTKA

[ad_1] At home: Palkovics arbitrarily rewrote which investigation should get money from OTKA | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”da06b39d-172f-48c5-82d7-18a8398dc666″,”c_author”:”Czeglédi Fanni”,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Lenyűgöző dokusorozat készült az elmúlt évek talán legbrutálisabb szexszektájának a történetéről és a hálózat leleplezéséről. A Beavatási …

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