
World: The number of coronavirus cases per day in the Czech Republic has exceeded tens of thousands

[ad_1] World: The number of coronavirus cases per day in the Czech Republic has exceeded ten thousand | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”cccfb6d3-bc62-4048-a6cc-a596b7ca5734″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”A költségek 70 százalékát az EFOP fedezi, ami az EU és a magyar állam …

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Technology: researched for a century, scientists have now made a breakthrough in superconductors

[ad_1] Tech: Investigated for a Century, Now Scientists Have Made a Breakthrough in Superconductors | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”47f76ec7-84b1-4674-94d9-5a7c0b4475aa”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”Segítségnyújtás elmulasztása és közúti baleset gondatlan okozása miatt indult eljárás a sofőr ellen.”,”shortLead”:”Segítségnyújtás elmulasztása és közúti baleset …

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Tech: 9,500-year-old artifacts emerge from under a melting Swiss glacier

[ad_1] Tech: 9,500-year-old finds emerge from melting Swiss glacier Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”170701e9-30f5-433a-88f2-66c3eb2b21b3″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”A napi halálozások száma kis híján a duplájára emelkedett 24 óra alatt.”,”shortLead”:”A napi halálozások száma kis híján a duplájára emelkedett 24 óra alatt.”,”id”:”20201015_olaszorszag_koronavirus”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”80600cbd-b25e-4397-b7b4-2c3c2c85862f”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20201015_olaszorszag_koronavirus”,”timestamp”:”2020. …

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World: Orbán: nobody should plan a trip abroad during the ski season

[ad_1] World: Orbán: no one should plan a trip abroad during the ski season Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”051daa94-6aab-4e9c-8268-d1853179bb9f”,”c_author”:”EUrologus”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Néhány éve a magyar kormány azzal ment neki az Európai Bizottságnak, hogy politikai okokból csak Magyarország jogállamiságát vizsgálja, …

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Construction of a long-awaited highway has begun

[ad_1] The main four-lane highway between Pápa and Győr will be built on a new route. Thanks to the development, it will be possible to travel between Győr and Pápa up to 20 minutes faster by the end of 2023, reports Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt. (NIF Zrt.). At the beginning …

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Economy: this will be the renovated metro stations, which will be delivered in a week

[ad_1] Economy: this will be the renovated metro stations, which will be delivered in a week Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”69792c39-ba64-462e-8dae-42f2f647d0b4″,”c_author”:”MTI /”,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”A mesekönyvet ledaráló és széttépő Dúró Dóra férje szerint a “homoszexuálisok szaporodása” a propaganda …

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