
F1: Sainz előtt még nagy jövő áll – Alonso

[ad_1] A Formula – 1-nek 2018 végén búcsút intő Fernando Alonso úgy véli, nagy jövő áll honfitársa, Carlos Sainz Jr. előtt, akit a többség a legnagyobb esélyesnek tart a Ferrari megüresedő helyére. Sainz lehet a befutó a megüresedő Ferrari-ülésre (Photo: AFP) Hirdetés A Ferrari váratlan kedd reggeli bejelentése, mely szerint …

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New CEO at the head of Hunguest Hotels

[ad_1] The Board of Directors of Hunguest Hotels, which is interested in Opus Global Plc., Has decided the appointment of Andrea Róna as CEO, who has already signed its mandate. The specialist, who has been Director of Business Development for the Granite Pole Group, has two decades of experience in …

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Economy: municipalities have been forced to fire due to central deductions

[ad_1] Economy: municipalities forced to fire due to central layoffs Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”10e537f5-c9d0-489e-b10d-f02f46926986″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Szombaton több budapesti ponton is rekord forgalmat mért a Kerékpárosklub.”,”shortLead”:”Szombaton több budapesti ponton is rekord forgalmat mért a Kerékpárosklub.”,”id”:”20200510_Kerekparos_forgalom_Budapesten_kijarasi_korlatozasok_koronavirus_Kerekparosklub”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”94e54081-a269-49d2-b934-152eaeee6e92″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20200510_Kerekparos_forgalom_Budapesten_kijarasi_korlatozasok_koronavirus_Kerekparosklub”,”timestamp”:”2020. május. 10. 19:05″,”title”:””Ennél csak …

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Instead of helping, he filmed the order to die

[ad_1] The BBC reports a very interesting but perhaps darker story. An Australian man is neglected and prevented by the administration of justice. On the 41st day Richard Pusey put the autply in when he drove a truck in order. Instead of helping the man, he filmed the scene for …

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