
World: In Slovakia, it is also mandatory to wear a mask on the street

[ad_1] World: In Slovakia, it has become mandatory to wear a mask on the street Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e86a3358-c4c7-40a9-b572-49dac812fbb5″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”Arra figyelmeztetnek az állatorvosok, hogy a melegebb éghajlat kedvez a parazitáknak, és az általuk terjesztett betegségek, például …

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Shane Tusup took a job on a long-standing soccer team

[ad_1] It has concluded a cooperation agreement in Annex III. District TVE and Shane Tusup, according to this coach, who helped Long Katinka win three Olympic gold medals, work with six members of the NB III soccer team on a separate show. At Thursday’s press conference to formalize the deal, …

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Cristiano Ronaldo – Metropol may have violated strict safety regulations

[ad_1] Cristiano Ronaldo Metropol may have violated strict safety regulations Cristiano Ronaldo flew from Lisbon to Turin as confirmed infected Ronaldo may have violated Italian regulations by returning to Turin infected Italian sports minister: Ronaldo violated epidemiological regulations Népszava Cristiano Ronaldo flagrantly violated epidemiological regulations: Bors addressed a coronavirus …

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World: Ronaldo could have violated Italian regulations by returning to Turin infected

[ad_1] World: Ronaldo could have violated Italian regulations by returning to Turin infected Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”90186bd0-e3c5-4fab-95bb-d47ecf83b0cd”,”c_author”:”Dezső András”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Angolszász titkosszolgálati művelet eredményeképpen szivároghatott ki az a kínai adatbázis, ami rengeteg külföldiről, köztük magyar politikusok családtagjairól gyűjtött …

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Juve: C. Ronaldo violated epidemiological regulations?

[ad_1] Italian Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora believes that Cristiano Ronaldo, a Juventus footballer, has violated safety standards to prevent the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, reports MTI. This photo was taken two days ago, still at Cristiano Ronaldo’s Portuguese training camp (Photo: AFP) Ad The politician answered yes on Rai …

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The coroner Cristiano Ronaldo nailed a saber

[ad_1] Italian Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora and Juventus striker Cristiano Ronaldo have violated safety requirements to prevent the spread of coronary heart disease. The politician replied yes to the rai on Rai Radio Uno to ask if the player had withdrawn the rules upon returning to Turin in violation of …

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Sport: The Barcelona-Ferencváros match will be a close goal

[ad_1] Sport: The Barcelona-Ferencváros match will be a close goal | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”7b873175-8875-4fa4-9e54-05d09ddec816″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A kancellár szerint, akik nem értenek egyet az új vezetéssel, jobb, ha távoznak az egyetemről.”,”shortLead”:”A kancellár szerint, akik nem értenek egyet …

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