
Index – National – Jenő Danyi Dies

[ad_1] In the 64th year of his life, Budapest Honvéd legend, fifth and nine-time Hungarian champion Jenő Danyi, will die unexpectedly, the Hungarian Boxing Federation announced. Jenő Danyi Photo: Hungarian Boxing Association Jenő Danyi was a great hitter, her many games ended prematurely, and in addition to her sports career, …

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World: Even in cars, the Czech government has made wearing a mask mandatory

[ad_1] World: Even in cars, the Czech government has forced to wear a mask. Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1230fc6e-cd62-4fa8-aef4-4baa70dda934″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”Egy autószerelő műhelyben robbant fel vélhetően egy gázüzemű autó tartálya. Az esetről videó is készült.”,”shortLead”:”Egy autószerelő műhelyben robbant …

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victory is there, money is still waiting for the CSM, yeah

[ad_1] “Respect our work!” and “Keep your promises!” The players of the CSM women’s handball team in Bucharest stood out with t-shirts to present the Champions League match against Ferencváros, protesting the slow payouts of the Romanian club. “Respect our work!” and “Keep your promises!” Bucharest players stood out in …

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