
BL: Three-game passes for FTC games are now sold out

[ad_1] Fans have snatched tickets for all three Hungarian Champions League matches from the Ferencváros soccer team, so passes can only be requested for the two-match matches against Juventus and Barcelona from Friday, the MTI announced. The Russian Pálék was sure that there would be a great attack by the …

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BL: I hit the ball really well – Dominik Szoboszlai

[ad_1] Dominik Szoboszlai, a soccer player for the Hungarian team in Salzburg, is not satisfied with his team’s 2-2 draw at home with Lokomotiv Moscow on matchday 1 of Group A of the Champions League. Dominik Szoboszlai scored a great goal in the BL (Photo: AFP) Ad The visiting Russian …

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I was trying but should have left David Beckham

[ad_1] Jpest sports coordinator, former footballer Kabt Pter, got into a serious conflict with one of the best footballers in the world, David Beckham. In 2009, the Hungarian league played against G Milan. One of the players of the Hungarian team was Kabt Pter, who told the story: He should …

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Technology: Scientists have been told what a child’s agenda should look like

[ad_1] Technology: Scientists have been told what a child’s agenda should look like Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”4f2d33d8-2451-40df-ae46-5ececd05791c”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”Az emberekre támadó cápafajok nagyon érzékenyek a víz hőmérsékletváltozására és a halakat követve olyan partokhoz is közel úsznak, ahol …

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BL: Szekler’s initiative also reached the Camp Nou

[ad_1] Cards labeled as also appeared in Barcelona, ​​drawing attention to the collection of signatures initiated by the Szeklers. Before the FC Barcelona-Ferencváros BL game, a group of FTC fans got in touch with a Catalan group and the Cardboard Red movement continued alongside the Camp Nou. The cardboard …

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