
World: Hardening is also taking place in Austria and Greece

[ad_1] World: austerity tightens in Austria and Greece Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”864fb9eb-6387-425d-8a19-22583fcfa4ce”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Gyál mellett vártak a rendőrök a drogot rejtegető férfira, de az egy kicsit meglepte őket, hogy taxival érkezett.”,”shortLead”:”Gyál mellett vártak a rendőrök a drogot …

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Baloghek was two minutes away from defeating Inter –

[ad_1] With Balogh Botond in the ranks, Parma contested a 2-2 draw with Interrel at San Siro in the sixth round of the Italian Soccer Championship (Serie A) on Saturday. The guests have already led Gervinho’s double with two goals, but the Milan team drew with Marcelo Brozovic and Ivan …

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Enterprise: The government will give another 800 million florins to the Pécs football academy in the middle of the second wave

[ad_1] Enterprise: The government will give another 800 million guilders to the Pécs football academy in the middle of the second wave | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”2a557225-a073-4cc2-9e49-67da08818994″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Varga Judit szerint 2021 első felében alakulhat ki az …

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