
Sports: Ronaldo tuned in with two goals before the match Fradi – video

[ad_1] Sport: Ronaldo tuned in with two goals before the game Fradi – video | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”796d7eb2-bea7-4315-adb6-fd44e9b77fda”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Influenzaszerű tünetei vannak, házi karanténba vonult családjával együtt.”,”shortLead”:”Influenzaszerű tünetei vannak, házi karanténba vonult családjával együtt.”,”id”:”20201101_koronavirus_fertozes_hoppal_peter_fideszes”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”960b20bd-cae4-4bca-b931-fb478ae7ea5e”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20201101_koronavirus_fertozes_hoppal_peter_fideszes”,”timestamp”:”2020. november. 01. …

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NB I: Kisvárda – DVTK – UFO

[ad_1] After an uneventful first half, Kisvárda took the jump ahead against DVTK on matchday 9 of NB I, and although there were many situations for the guests, they fired several posts, they could not equalize (1-0). Ad FOOTBALL NB IROUND 9Kisvárda – DVTK 1–0 (0–0)Kisvárda, Kisvárda Castle Garden Stadium, …

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Economy: Emergency in a Swiss canton

[ad_1] Economy: Emergency in a Swiss canton Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”4bc25f34-765b-4206-95fc-e9ab0c5ab051″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Annak ellenére is remek eredményeket értek el egyes mobilgyártók, hogy négymillióval kevesebb új készülék talált gazdára az idei harmadik negyedévben. A történtek egyik nyertese a …

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The Újpest photographer also had us some unsolicited words:

[ad_1] Újpest, which was created in moderation due to many coronavirus infections, could not do a miracle, MTK certainly won the ninth round of NB I football in Megyeri út. This is how the head coaches evaluated after the meeting. According to Michael Boris, the reception in Újpest was strange …

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Will Hamilton retire at the end of the season?

[ad_1] Lewis Hamilton made interesting statements about the future in Emilia Romagna Nagydj’s winning streak. The six-time world champion has a definitive contract with Mercedes, although he currently has no guarantees that he will return to racing in Formula One. Mercedes Imol has become the leader in the number of …

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This will be the new world in Hungary starting Monday due to the coronavirus

[ad_1] Portfolio’s free online drug innovation conference is coming. You should register now: The operations court announced in a press conference Thursday that the government will extend the obligation to wear a mask to entertainment and hospitality venues starting Monday. Even that day, the government’s decision to extend the mandatory …

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