
Company: The new opening in Austria was razed

[ad_1] Company: New opening blown in Austria Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”17894859-3b16-425a-8b37-9dde8cf77432″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”A költségvetési átcsoportosítások során irtózatos összeget csorgatott az Orbán-kormány a legkedveltebb ágazatba.”,”shortLead”:”A költségvetési átcsoportosítások során irtózatos összeget csorgatott az Orbán-kormány a legkedveltebb ágazatba.”,”id”:”20210322_magyar_kormany_egeszsegugy_sport_tamogatas”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”7872f939-fce8-4464-a50f-ccb8f12d75a3″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/gazdasag/20210322_magyar_kormany_egeszsegugy_sport_tamogatas”,”timestamp”:”2021. március. 22. 08:19″,”title”:”Egy …

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Index – National – Viktor Orbán: We need a plan

[ad_1] Viktor Orbán launched a series of consultations on the post-epidemic situation, “post-Covid”; After a meeting with the president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on Friday, the prime minister consulted with family NGOs on Monday at the Budapest building of the Center for Single Parents, Bertalan Havasi, the prime …

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Here are the results of the restart query

[ad_1] 528,000 people completed the online consultation on the restart, said Csaba Dömötör, parliamentary secretary of state in the Prime Minister’s Office, in a video posted on Saturday. 88% of those surveyed said that epidemiological restrictions should be lifted gradually, step by step. Only 12 percent said they were one …

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Him: Mourinho is “more than sad” after relegation

[ad_1] They reportedly defeated Tottenham Hotspur 3-0 after overtime in Dinamo Zagreb’s home match in the eighth final of the European League, in the rematch of the match, led by triple Mislav Orsic. Ad This is the Portuguese “more than sad” (Photo: AFP) “We played an important game, but it …

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I’m sure nobody wants to play with us – Tuchel –

[ad_1] Chelsea said goodbye to Atlético de Madrid, the highest ranked in Spain, in the eighth final of the Champions League with two victories. Thomas Tuchel, the England coach, said they deserved the victory, and Diego Simeone, the head coach of the Madrid squad, also believes that the best team …

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