
Waltner’s birthday girl recommended anti-DVTK win

[ad_1] Zalaegerszeg Szánthó Regő defeated Diósgyőr 2-0 on Matchday 27 of NB football with his goal from a free kick and a nice shot from Favorov. This is how the head coaches evaluated after the meeting. Advertisement ZTE FC Head Coach, Robert Waltner he betrayed: the match against Diósgyőr was …

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Economy: And then the government no longer tries to pretend that the budget is sustainable

[ad_1] Economy: And then the government no longer tries to pretend that the budget is sustainable Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”c7a52aed-b339-4038-af8d-d2d4201b6afb”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Tartsák be az egészségügyi szabályokat, kerüljék a tömeget – kérte a főpolgármester a nagypénteki üzenetében.”,”shortLead”:”Tartsák be az …

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At home: churches ask Sándor Pintér for pastoral vaccination for pastors

[ad_1] At home: Churches ask for extraordinary vaccination of Sándor Pintér to pastors | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”2d7f6c4d-fd32-4cc7-92e7-f6f90c21fe05″,”c_author”:”Proktis-M”,”category”:”brandchannel”,”description”:”Az emésztőszervi betegségek évente rengeteg ember halálát okozzák Magyarországon. Vajon mit csinálunk rosszul, és hogyan előzhetnénk meg a bajt?”,”shortLead”:”Az …

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It’s unfortunate news about Zsolt Kalmár’s injury

[ad_1] Contrary to previous news, the Hungarian national team midfielder’s midfielder Zsolt Kalmár was ripped off. Representing the player, EM Sports Consulting announced the news on its Facebook page on Saturday, which also revealed that the DAC footballer will be “forced to miss for a longer period”, meaning that he …

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Honvéd – Újpest: great first half with four interesting goals

[ad_1] In the 27th round of NB I football, career player Honvéd played 2-2 with Újpest. Advertisement FOOTBALL NB IROUND 27HONVÉD – ÚJPEST 2–2 (Rich 36th, 37th – the first of 11, respectively Stem 12th, Beridze 24th) Budapest, New Hidegkuti Nándor Stadium, behind closed doors. Directed by: Bognár T. LIVE …

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Sport: Zsolt Kalmár is seriously injured, may miss the European Championship

[ad_1] Sport: Zsolt Kalmár is seriously injured, could miss the European Championship | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”85926b75-5aee-4cd2-ae83-1d6aa1f20aea”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Egy Szöulban kiállított graffitit „gondolt tovább” két látogató.”,”shortLead”:”Egy Szöulban kiállított graffitit „gondolt tovább” két látogató.”,”id”:”20210403_Azt_hittek_szabad_a_vasar_osszefestettek_egy_felmillio_dollaros_mualkotast”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”ac70b73f-9963-44dd-8ce2-27632a86e7b3″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/elet/20210403_Azt_hittek_szabad_a_vasar_osszefestettek_egy_felmillio_dollaros_mualkotast”,”timestamp”:”2021. április. 03. 20:05″,”title”:”Azt hitték, szabad …

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9055 new infected coronaviruses were identified

[ad_1] The number of newly infected people is 9,055, which has increased the number of infected people identified to a total of 670,776 since the beginning of the epidemic, according to the government information page. Most of the 267 deaths were chronically elderly patients, bringing the number of deaths to …

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