
Car: flew in a roundabout to a car at high speed in Balatonakarattya – video

[ad_1] Car: He flew in a roundabout to a car at high speed in Balatonakarattya – video Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”92f9033e-d257-40cc-b35b-76d4c8031138″,”c_author”:”Lengyel Miklós”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”11 körzet van lezárva az 1,4 milliárd lakosú országban, ahol szigorú elzárással próbálják megakadályozni …

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Spanish Super Cup: Final Barcelona-Bilbao – NSO

[ad_1] For the gold medal of the Spanish Super Cup, Barcelona and Athletic de Bilbao will face each other, follow the final online through our text feed! The last time, the Catalans could rejoice at the end of their meeting (Photo: AFP) SPAIN SUPERCUPFINALSBarcelona 0-0 Athletic Bilbao – Live on …

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Mol Fehérvár: We want to be champions – Zoltán Kovács

[ad_1] Zoltán Kovács, sports director of Mol Fehérvár FC in NB I, was invited to Digi Sport’s Breakfast Start, where he spoke about Vidi’s winter certification, Párko Dárdai, the team’s performance in autumn, and also explained why the championship of summer soccer. Ad Zoltán Kovács is optimistic about the Vidi …

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Sport: Club president’s wife, Tamás Deutsch, won the MTK coach of the year award

[ad_1] Sport: Club President’s Wife, Tamás Deutsch, Wins Coach of the Year Award at MTK | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”2d47665d-a6ac-4fc8-860b-0223b72b7e29″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”A Richter-skála szerinti 6,4-es erősségű földrengés Magyarországon is érzékelhető volt.”,”shortLead”:”A Richter-skála szerinti 6,4-es erősségű földrengés Magyarországon …

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World: A new mutation in the coronavirus has also appeared in Austria

[ad_1] World: New coronavirus mutation released in Austria Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”11e6f982-ab40-4895-8c21-4bcebbb29b46″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Az Arecibo Obszervatórium december elején teljesen összeomlott. Puerto Rico 8 millió dollárral segítené a tudományos műszer újjáépítését.”,”shortLead”:”Az Arecibo Obszervatórium december elején teljesen összeomlott. Puerto …

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