
Shaman Laggoló, warriors with facial paralysis, Árpád transforming into Lenin: the Hungarian researcher’s film about the battle of Bratislava was memorable

[ad_1] Party 444 Ronda I am joining After the perfect online introductory campaign, Orbán’s most entertaining product of cultural politics to date, the government body’s investigative animation film called the Hungarian Research Institute on the Battle of Bratislava in 907, was released on Monday by the night. The work of …

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Tech: prehistoric people may have slept through harsh winters

[ad_1] technology Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”af6bc95e-7d38-4365-986f-384d6f944b05″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A magasabban fekvő területeken zúzmara rakódott a fákra és elektromos távvezetékekre, emiatt óvatosságra inti a hegyvidéki tájakon kirándulókat az Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat és a Pilisi Parkerdő.”,”shortLead”:”A magasabban fekvő területeken zúzmara rakódott …

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At home: This is how Ildikó Pécsi said goodbye

[ad_1] At home: This is how Ildikó Pécsi said goodbye Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”5f2f48e3-a41c-4b58-aa58-c3e2fd7de7f5″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Olyannyira megtetszett egy lelkes Doom-rajongó munkája a játék kiadójának, hogy a program hivatalos részévé tette azt.”,”shortLead”:”Olyannyira megtetszett egy lelkes Doom-rajongó munkája a …

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We show you where the Christmas star appears

[ad_1] The coexistence of Jupiter and Saturn is not a rarity, but the “star of Bethlehem” appears at Christmas. Find where the sun has set. A similar phenomenon may have followed the biblical trinals in AD. At 7, with their knowledge of astrology, they easily interpreted the heavenly message. There …

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World: The Swedes have once again tightened their epidemiological measures

[ad_1] World: Swedes reaffirm epidemiological measures Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”451d707b-4f22-4a42-8a14-88ffb0c4e821″,”c_author”:”MTI /”,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Az ellenzéki párt gazdálkodása megbízhatatlan a számvevőszék szerint, emellett a közvéleményt is megtévesztik.”,”shortLead”:”Az ellenzéki párt gazdálkodása megbízhatatlan a számvevőszék szerint, emellett a közvéleményt is …

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