
The Palkovics entered nine scientific applications

[ad_1] It was not accepted by the critics Tamás Freund invitation to lunch at the headquarters of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences László Palkovics. The Minister of Innovation responded in a letter to the president of the Academy why the proposal of the professional jury for certain research applications had …

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Index – National – László Palkovics did not accept the invitation to lunch, did not sit down to negotiate with the president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

[ad_1] As Index reported, Tamás Freund, president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, wrote a letter to László Palkovics last week, complaining that Palkovics changed the ranking of the expert bodies of the National Research Office, Development and Innovation, rewrote the proposal of the professional jury. research applications. The president …

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Cult: The first trailer for The Dune has arrived, partially filmed in Budapest

[ad_1] Kult: The first preview of the Dune has arrived, partly shot in Budapest Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”fe541666-042b-4b0e-825a-d26b3776fed6″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Nehéz szívvel hozták meg a döntést, de ennyi volt.”,”shortLead”:”Nehéz szívvel hozták meg a döntést, de ennyi volt.”,”id”:”20200909_Lezarul_egy_korszak_vege_Kardashianek_valosagshowjanak”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”3727b4af-6188-482a-9fff-7adf13a456a2″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/elet/20200909_Lezarul_egy_korszak_vege_Kardashianek_valosagshowjanak”,”timestamp”:”2020. szeptember. …

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