
It is likely endemic to the coronavirus.

[ad_1] This year, the world has become quite familiar with the concept of pandemic: due to the coronavirus, the word is spoken almost daily, that is, an epidemic of large numbers of people, infectious diseases that affect several countries or continents, and even To the whole world. It is up …

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World: Angela Merkel: Stay home!

[ad_1] World: Angela Merkel: Stay home! | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”58d6d502-1cd2-4e61-bd55-a47f016af739″,”c_author”:”Nagy Iván László”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Párizs, London, Madrid – Európa legnagyobb városaiban újra bevezették – legalábbis részlegesen – a kijárási tilalmakat. Mit mondanak a koronavírusszámok a legrosszabbul álló …

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A revolutionary Hungarian medicine can be marketed

[ad_1] In the October 15, 2020 issue of the journal Cell, he published an article from the Motorpharmacology research group of the Institute of Biology at Eötvös Loránd University. In this, András Málnási-Csizmadia and his colleagues report in great detail on the preclinical (pre-trial) studies of the drug candidate MPH-220 …

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