
At home: Coronavirus: 189 dead, 7263 newly infected

[ad_1] Start: Coronavirus: 189 dead, 7263 new infected Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”854dc94d-e870-4201-a712-674faffe55b7″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”A Volkswagen német autókonszern bejelentette, kártérítést fog követelni azoktól az egykori vállalatvezetőktől, akik felelősek a 2015-ös dízelbotrányért. A döntés két személyt, a VW volt vezérigazgatóját, …

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Slovak Prime Minister exchanges office with his finance minister

[ad_1] Igor Matovic The Slovak prime minister announced on Sunday that he is willing to change the government’s positions. Eduard heger Minister of Finance and withdraws his conditions against his coalition partners in order to resolve the government crisis, writes MTI, according to the Slovak public service news agency TASR. …

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Tamás Deutsch: The vile masterpiece has been revealed!

[ad_1] The left-wing majority in the European Parliament (EP), including the European People’s Party, is lobbying on the “issue of the rule of law,” said Fossz-KDNP, head of the EP delegation on Kossuth Radio. Sunday newspaper in a show titled. According to MTI reports Tamás Deutsch During its more than …

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Economics: And then the government finally came to the minds of educators

[ad_1] Economics: And then the government finally came to the minds of educators. Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1b87d350-9232-46f5-aedc-8e6ade0d6c28″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”A Google két feltétel meglétéhez köti, hogy az androidos eszközre felkerülhessen a 64 bites Chrome böngésző.”,”shortLead”:”A Google két feltétel meglétéhez …

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Worship: Theaters campaign for vaccines

[ad_1] Worship: Campaign of theaters for vaccination Would you like to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”870de855-4646-49de-9e8f-bd69706ba140″,”c_author”:”HVG360″,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Szövevényes dokumentumfilm az elmúlt évtizedek egyik legnagyobb hamisítási botrányáról a Netflix műsorán.”,”shortLead”:”Szövevényes dokumentumfilm az elmúlt évtizedek egyik legnagyobb hamisítási botrányáról a Netflix műsorán.”,”id”:”202112_film__raszedett_mugyujtok_a_vaszon_mogott”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”c0a58a42-7586-42dc-846f-9007b8a77a67″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/360/202112_film__raszedett_mugyujtok_a_vaszon_mogott”,”timestamp”:”2021. március. 27. 08:30″,”title”:”A …

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Favipiravir can also be prescribed on weekends.

[ad_1] It has been written that the drug can also be prescribed on weekends, for example, by a doctor who works in a primary care emergency and who is practicing general medicine. In addition, any doctor who attends in the context of epidemiological care may prescribe the product, which must …

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