
a type of red meat also delays dementia in old age

[ad_1] American researchers have studied the eating habits of almost 1,800 British citizens for a decade to determine which foods have a good effect on health. Dementia in old age, in addition to an overall healthy lifestyle, was found to be best inhibited by foods that increased the amount of …

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Economy: According to György Matolcsy, the government can make up half the recession

[ad_1] Economy: According to György Matolcsy, the government can do half the recession Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”dd21153b-451b-49ac-8b88-cd576896688b”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”Miután a gyémántkereskedő cég bedőlt, közvetlenül az amerikai hátterű Vajna-cég vette át a Mr. Funkot. A cég vezetője Vajna …

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