
At home: Cecília Müller: Vaccinations can start between the two holidays

[ad_1] At home: Cecília Müller: Vaccinations can start between the two holidays | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”4efb8ef8-5b27-4fa6-b77f-7785ce24a31a”,”c_author”:”Molnár Péter”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Őszintétlenül és komolytalanul. “,”shortLead”:”Őszintétlenül és komolytalanul. “,”id”:”20201219_Molnar_Peter_Deutsch_Tamas_es_a_retorikai_athidalas”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”5a020328-922f-480c-bc26-40c6296214ec”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/360/20201219_Molnar_Peter_Deutsch_Tamas_es_a_retorikai_athidalas”,”timestamp”:”2020. december. 19. 14:50″,”title”:”Molnár Péter: Deutsch Tamás és a retorikai áthidalás”,”trackingCode”:”RELATED”,”c_isbrandchannel”:false,”c_isbrandcontent”:false,”c_isbrandstory”:false,”c_isbrandcontentorbrandstory”:false,”c_isbranded”:false,”c_ishvg360article”:true,”c_partnername”:null,”c_partnerlogo”:”00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000″,”c_partnertag”:null},{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”00ca70c7-1bab-415c-9178-553f2dfbcb2f”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A Magyar Orvosi …

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At home: Gyula Kincses: “We managed to keep some important things in a corner”

[ad_1] At home: Gyula Kincses: “We managed to keep some important things in a corner” Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”26f282d5-6f2b-4ddd-a02e-b5d7c45fb4c2″,”c_author”:”Kovács Bálint”,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Bemutatunk öt nemrég megjelent társasjátékot, amelynek mi is örülnénk karácsonykor: az év legnagyobb szenzációja, egy gyönyörű játék …

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Giving the vaccine can be a messy business

[ad_1] Vaccines against the coronavirus have also attracted the attention of criminals, especially in countries where the black market for drugs is huge. In addition to stolen products, there may be obstacles in online deals that offer safe products. Two months ago, an event broke out that draws attention to …

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The good news: the number of infected people in Hungary has decreased BorsOnline – Celebrity News – Gossip – Crime – Politics

[ad_1] 2 967 A new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was detected in another Hungarian citizen, increasing the number of infected people identified in Hungary to 302,989. Passed away 185 mostly elderly, chronic patients, so the number of deaths rose to 8,099. The number of recovered people is also constantly growing, currently …

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Enterprise: A new drug has been approved for the treatment of coronavirus in Hungary

[ad_1] Enterprise: New drug approved for the treatment of coronavirus in Hungary Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1433fb33-66bb-476a-baff-87cf236e01bd”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Megkezdődött az olajos vízi növényzet és szennyezett iszap elszállítása a szigetszentmiklósi olajszennyezés helyszínéről – közölte az Országos Vízügyi Főigazgatóság (OVF). …

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