
Index – National – The spread of the epidemic is slowing, but infection is expected to increase in several cities

[ad_1] According to the data from the 51st week, the concentration of the hereditary material of the coronavirus measured in the wastewater increases in Békéscsaba, Nyíregyháza, Szekszárd and settlements around Budapest, Tököl, Biatorbágy, Szigetszentmiklós, Budakeszi and Százhalombatta in the National Center – can be read of Public Health. However, the …

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World: The spread of the coronavirus accelerates in Spain

[ad_1] World: The spread of the coronavirus in Spain accelerates Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b0dbeb55-8b11-465f-8c33-5da7c92b9c88″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Ritkán születik olyan egyértelmű döntés az olvasóink részéről, mint ahogy azt az Év embere szavazáson tették. A voksolók közel fele értett egyet …

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Index – Culture – Symbols at Count the Great’s funeral

[ad_1] On Saturday, Count Nagy, that is, László Kozák, was buried in Szolnok. Much more than 50 people attended the funeral, which generated a social debate, the farewell, however, was not disturbed and, in addition, it provided a series of symbols that may be of interest to non-Roma. Perhaps the …

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