
Holidays are coming, store opening hours are changing

[ad_1] Portfolio Signature for Christmas too. Key analysis and exclusive content under the tree. You can even give someone a last minute gift with a one-year subscription to Portfolio Signature. And if you buy an annual subscription for multiple friends, friends and family at the same time, you can also …

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World: Italy closes since midnight, with more than 70,000 dead

[ad_1] World: Italy closed at midnight, more than 70,000 dead Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”4049840d-8746-48bf-ad35-7558940bac6a”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”A sakktörténet legjobb női sakkozója élvezettel nézte a Vezércsel sakkos jeleneteit. Anya-Taylor Joy arról kérdezte, milyen volt nőként a pályán.”,”shortLead”:”A sakktörténet legjobb …

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The new Romanian government is formed

[ad_1] The bicameral Romanian parliament on Wednesday voted to trust Prime Minister Florin Citu’s center-right coalition government, made up of the National Liberal Party (PNL), the USR-PLUS alliance and the Hungarian Democratic Alliance of Romania (DAHR) after of the parliamentary elections of December 6. The Citu government was voted on …

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World: the new mutation spreading in England is probably from South Africa

[ad_1] World: The new mutation in England is likely to originate in South Africa Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”fb445e34-a534-48a0-a4d4-d39bb2e8cfb0″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Az újonnan azonosított fertőzöttek száma 1300 alatt maradt.rn”,”shortLead”:”Az újonnan azonosított fertőzöttek száma 1300 alatt maradt.rn”,”id”:”20201222_koronavirus_jarvany_fertozes_covid19_halalos_aldozatok”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”df6f3fbd-d4b9-4932-86c6-6bba885fcd54″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20201222_koronavirus_jarvany_fertozes_covid19_halalos_aldozatok”,”timestamp”:”2020. december. 22. 09:15″,”title”:”Újabb …

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