
The first dose of the vaccine arrives in Hungary by plane

[ad_1] Five thousand health workers will be vaccinated first. According to RTL Híradó, the first dose of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine will arrive in Hungary by plane early Saturday morning. Budapest’s Liszt Ferenc Airport has been preparing for months to be able to house planes with coronavirus vaccines. Vaccines require less …

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Coronavirus vaccines arrive under armed protection

[ad_1] The coronavirus vaccines arriving in Hungary are also increasingly protected, but elsewhere the authorities ensure that the expected vaccines reach their destination with serious armed preparation. The Hungarian Nation reports that the measures are supported by an Interpol alert. As Origo wrote according to the Coronavir Press Center, the …

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At home: The first dose of the vaccine will arrive in Hungary by plane in the early hours of Saturday

[ad_1] At home: The first dose of vaccine arrives in Hungary by plane in the early hours of Saturday Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”c12cab16-b35d-43aa-a2f5-d936b8ef0cf6″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Kiskarácsony – írta a képhez a kormányfő.”,”shortLead”:”Kiskarácsony – írta a képhez a kormányfő.”,”id”:”20201225_orban_viktor_orban_rahel_gyermek_unoka”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”e4869081-3309-4571-815c-960552e3c342″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/elet/20201225_orban_viktor_orban_rahel_gyermek_unoka”,”timestamp”:”2020. …

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French border blockade: Polish soldiers already on the scene

[ad_1] Portfolio Signature for Christmas too. Key analysis and exclusive content under the tree. You can even give someone a last minute gift with a one-year subscription to Portfolio Signature. And if you buy an annual subscription for multiple friends, friends and family at the same time, you can also …

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Tech: Turkish researchers say Chinese CoronaVac vaccine is 91 percent effective

[ad_1] Tech: Turkish researchers say Chinese CoronaVac vaccine is 91 percent effective Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”86952edb-04e2-4d24-9fd9-bab4f3c5a442″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Megjelent a közbeszerzési felhívás az Európai Unió hivatalos lapjában a budai fonódó villamoshálózat következő ütemének teljes körű engedélyes és kiviteli …

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