
Coronavirus: important news about the vaccine arrives

[ad_1] Emmanuel Macron is the French head of state He called a defense council meeting on Tuesday after the spread of the coronavirus epidemic in the eastern part of the country intensified. Before Monday’s announcement by the French presidential office, Health Minister Olivier Véran did not rule out in an …

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Hungarian Local Government Association: the government must stop distributing money for selfish interests

[ad_1] “The government, which is now shedding its responsibility to handle the epidemic and the economic crisis, is now openly putting its own economic and power interests before the interests of the country,” the Hungarian Local Government Association writes in a statement. They complain that “opposition-run settlements” were discriminated against …

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Coronavirus: Huge Regional Differences in Mortality

[ad_1] Data from the European Statistical Office sheds light on large regional differences in coronavirus mortality. In Budapest, the death toll due to the epidemic was half as high as in the entire country, according to a Facebook post by Budapest Mayor Gergely Karácsony. The Hungarian government is doing everything …

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At home: Coronavirus: 114 dead, 609 newly infected

[ad_1] Start: Coronavirus: 114 dead, 609 new infected Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f7f0878e-be82-49c1-ad96-128cfd6eeaa5″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”A vállalatcsoport élelmiszercsomagokat állított össze rászorulóknak.”,”shortLead”:”A vállalatcsoport élelmiszercsomagokat állított össze rászorulóknak.”,”id”:”20201228_meszaros_csoport_adomanyozas_voroskereszt”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”583be505-2132-42e4-8021-f2320180b208″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/kkv/20201228_meszaros_csoport_adomanyozas_voroskereszt”,”timestamp”:”2020. december. 28. 07:51″,”title”:”Mészáros Csoport: Erkölcsi felelősség és kötelesség is tenni a közjó érdekében”,”trackingCode”:”RELATED”,”c_isbrandchannel”:false,”c_isbrandcontent”:false,”c_isbrandstory”:false,”c_isbrandcontentorbrandstory”:false,”c_isbranded”:false,”c_ishvg360article”:false,”c_partnername”:null,”c_partnerlogo”:”00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000″,”c_partnertag”:null},{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f2c676e4-79f7-470d-b8be-a076e3e4b933″,”c_author”:”Jungheinrich”,”category”:”brandchannel”,”description”:”A …

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