
Technology: there were not fifty thousand but five hundred thousand infected in Wuhan

[ad_1] Technology: there were not fifty thousand but five hundred thousand infected in the fall Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”7321802c-1a10-4d79-a458-92a24b29696f”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Karikó Katalin, a BioNTech magyar alelnöke kutatótársával dolgozta ki a legígéretesebb koronavírus-vakcinák alapját.”,”shortLead”:”Karikó Katalin, a BioNTech magyar …

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The icon of the Poles, Lech Walesa, went bankrupt

[ad_1] Poland’s iconic politician Lech Walesa, who was celebrated as a hero as one of the preparers of regime change, later became his country’s head of state and received the Nobel Peace Prize, financially bankrupt. In an interview with PolsatNews, Lech Walesa, former leader of the legendary Solidarity union and …

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World: the number of infections in Britain has peaked

[ad_1] World: The number of infections in the UK has peaked | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”7f539a23-ffba-4b60-b41d-873dfe41373d”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”Az első autó, amit kínálnak majd a Model 3 alapváltozata. “,”shortLead”:”Az első autó, amit kínálnak majd a Model 3 alapváltozata. …

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Technology: Elderly woman who received the vaccine for the first time Pfizer received a second vaccine

[ad_1] Tech: Elderly woman who received the vaccine for the first time Pfizer received the second vaccine | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”12f94d1d-4aef-4be7-bbff-dda60c030b5c”,”c_author”:”Windisch Judit”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Ha nem lesz kötelező a koronavírus elleni oltás, elvárhatja-e egy munkaadó, hogy beoltassa …

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Technology: Nearly 600,000 have signed up to get vaccinated against the coronavirus so far

[ad_1] Technology: nearly 600,000 registered so far for coronavirus vaccination Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”a6bd89dc-eaa3-4139-ad8f-cfcf707274ba”,”c_author”:”MTI /”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”A helyi polgármestert sokkolta az eset, vádemelést sürget az ügyben.”,”shortLead”:”A helyi polgármestert sokkolta az eset, vádemelést sürget az ügyben.”,”id”:”20201229_franciaorszag_temeto_horogkereszt”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”86a3f6fd-eab8-4abb-8ee8-2d2ff6c2ed28″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20201229_franciaorszag_temeto_horogkereszt”,”timestamp”:”2020. december. …

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