
At home: According to Gabriella Lantos, the epidemic situation in April can be like June

[ad_1] At home: Gabriella Lantos says the epidemic in April could be the same as in June | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1cb8d140-e311-449b-83b0-dd3b54d06d25″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”A BMW Z4 génekkel rendelkező japán sportkupét német szakemberek vették kezelésbe.”,”shortLead”:”A BMW Z4 génekkel …

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Came to four more rural hospitals for the vaccine.

[ad_1] In addition to the above, four more rural hospital hospitals received vaccinations on Wednesday noon: Kaposvár at the Kaposi Mór University Hospital of Somogy County, Miskolc at the Central Hospital and University Hospital of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, Kenessey Albert Hospital – Clinic Outpatient – reported in the M1 newsroom. The …

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Index – Abroad – Irish stores near nonessentials

[ad_1] Starting December 31, stores selling non-essential products will be closed and school holidays in Ireland will be extended to stop a mutation in the coronavirus that is spreading faster than expected, Irish Prime Minister Micheál said on Wednesday. Martin. Ireland still had one of the lowest infection rates in …

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The hospital system was reorganized by the government

[ad_1] With reference to the emergency situation, the government organized a significant part of the Hungarian national hospitals and institutes into a new system as of January 1, 2021, with government decrees published in the Hungarian Gazette on December 29. Professional management is exercised by the General Director of the …

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In reference to the emergency, the government is centralizing the management of hospitals in the capital and the county of Pest.

[ad_1] Name three institutions in Budapest as Budapest Central Hospitals: the South Pest Central Hospital – National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases, the North-Central Center of Buda, the New St. John Hospital and Clinic and St. Imre University Hospital a recent government decree, published in Magyar Közlöny on December …

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