[ad_1] An official action begins in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Dr. Pál Réthy, a member of the Central Hospital of the County of Békés, after the Circle of Support for the Birth of Békés, a local defense group, complained to the Ombudsman’s Office Pueblo for two hospital …
Read More »At home: a Hungarian soldier died on the southern border
[ad_1] At home: a Hungarian soldier dies on the southern border hvg.hu Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f4a75481-008b-459a-bc12-980368f06f06″,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”Sok kicsi sokra megy alapon akár érzékelhetően is megnövekszik a fogyasztás, ha egyszerre sok extra funkciót használunk tartósan a kocsinkban.”,”shortLead”:”Sok kicsi …
Read More »Index – Sport – A basketball player left Sopron without saying a word
[ad_1] I heard about an announcement made by my most recent club, »Sopron«. I would like to emphasize that the accusations made about me are not true. In the weeks since I arrived in Hungary, I have struggled with things more important than basketball. I understand that everyone has their …
Read More »Index – National – Gábor Kemenesi: There can be no doubt, vaccination is good of course
[ad_1] Gábor Kemenesi, a virologist from Pécs, also received the vaccine. He also spoke about this, the epidemic, and this year in a video that he also shared with his followers on Facebook. As he wrote: I got the vaccine, I’m talking about why it is unnecessary to worry about …
Read More »At worst, the mutant coronavirus begins to spread
[ad_1] For nearly half a year, most new Covid-19 cases were recorded in mainland China on Wednesday, according to a report by China’s National Health Commission on Thursday, which has led to stricter epidemiological measures in affected areas of the country. In mainland China, 63 people were diagnosed with coronavirus …
Read More »Had the government taken responsibility, it could have been vaccinated without Brussels
[ad_1] Health Commissioner Stella Kiriakides reacted that, according to the Hungarian government, Brussels was to blame for not being able to start the national vaccination program as quickly as the British: the Budapest leadership could have granted an emergency permit, but then all liability and compensation claims would have burdened …
Read More »A quarter of the most vulnerable have already been vaccinated by the British
[ad_1] Nearly a quarter of Britain’s most vulnerable age group has already been vaccinated against the coronavirus, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Tuesday. Johnson told a press conference in Downing Street that the two vaccines currently on the market, the vaccines developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, and the …
Read More »Index – National – In Hungary, those without health insurance also receive the coronavirus vaccine
[ad_1] It does not matter what the color of the NEAK lamp of the person requesting the vaccine is, “Emmi told the ATV. Therefore, in this case, regardless of whether the TAC number for vaccination is valid, you will still be vaccinated. Managing the epidemic is a state task, so …
Read More »At home: 103 more victims of the coronavirus, more than ten thousand
[ad_1] At home: 103 more victims of coronavirus, tens of thousands crossed | hvg.hu Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e56e1315-b168-4f19-97b2-9ef392a6b1bc”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Hatvannyolc éves korában, tragikus hirtelenséggel, álmában hunyt el a legendás edző.”,”shortLead”:”Hatvannyolc éves korában, tragikus hirtelenséggel, álmában hunyt el a …
Read More »The Pfizer vaccine may not work properly even if the second dose is delayed.
[ad_1] Several countries are considering giving the second dose after 21 days. German biotech company BioNTech and its American partner, Pfizer, warned in Frankfurt on Monday that there is no evidence that the coronavirus vaccine they developed together is effective if the second dose is given later, rather than at …
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