
Index – Abroad – Merkel wants to close in Germany

[ad_1] The death toll from coronavirus in Germany set a new record on Thursday, prompting the German federal government to introduce more austerity measures, writes the German newspaper Bild. German Chancellor Angela Merkel is already thinking of a “mega-lockdown” that, as the name suggests, would further tighten up on existing …

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World: Merkel: The epidemic could be ten times more serious at Easter if the British variant of the virus is not stopped

[ad_1] World: Merkel: The epidemic could be ten times more serious by Easter if the British variant of the virus is not stopped | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ffc4e76f-bfe9-42fe-823c-f4bb537476a9″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”Mostantól régi-új néven, minimálisan modernizált formában kapható az …

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Coronavirus: the epidemic increased in 2021

[ad_1] Al-Sultan Abdullah, a Malaysian monarch, declared a state of emergency on Tuesday to curb the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. “Al-Sultan Abdullah is of the opinion that the spread of Covid-19 has reached a critical stage and that it is necessary to declare a state of emergency,” the palace …

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Index – Domestic – János Slavik: No serious side effects were observed after administration of the vaccine.

[ad_1] After the administration of the coronavirus vaccine, no serious side effects were observed in Hungary, the chief infection doctor at South Pest Central Hospital told public media on Sunday night. According to János Slavik, reactions to vaccination occur in much smaller numbers than in previous vaccines. Transient muscle fever, …

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Economy: And then the season finale of Trump’s reality show was big

[ad_1] Economy: And then the season finale of Trump’s reality show sounded great Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”604f2127-f678-4b93-b08b-73ff6b3d27d4″,”c_author”:”MTI /”,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Egy 27 éves román nő szervezetében mutatták ki az újabb mutációt. Úgy tudni: nem járt külföldön.”,”shortLead”:”Egy 27 …

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At home: 114 other Hungarian victims of the coronavirus epidemic

[ad_1] Start: 114 other Hungarian victims of the coronavirus epidemic | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”701676db-a840-40aa-a752-68e928bc2931″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Az idei év legnagyobb sporteseménye lehet – ha lesz – a nyári tokiói olimpia és paralimpia, amit ennek megfelelően védeni is …

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