
Nigerian infected migrants were attacked by a person rmai krhz

[ad_1] He attacked members of the central Roman military crew and carried out security tasks on a migrant nigrant after learning that his test for the corona virus was positive, the Italian Defense Ministry reported on Saturday. Matteo Salvini was also in trouble. The two Nigerians and their companies were …

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At home: government withdraws additional support for Gábor Iványi schools

[ad_1] At home: Government withdraws additional support for schools in Gábor Iványi Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”606954a8-6bc4-42af-b0fa-e8e1b3436ba2″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”A cég a határzárral indokolta a döntést, amely alapján szeptember hetedikétől csak a legfrekventáltabb irányokba indulnak gépek. “,”shortLead”:”A cég a …

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Coronavirus: the situation is difficult in France

[ad_1] More than 5,000 new cases of coronavirus have been recorded in France in the past 24 hours, a day after the daily record of cases was broken since exit restrictions were lifted in May, the Health Ministry said on Saturday. night, according to the MTI. The explosive increase in …

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Coronavirus: more than 5,000 new cases in France in one day

[ad_1] In Ukraine, for the second day in a row, the number of new patients registered in one day reached the previous peak, approaching 2,500, and with them the number of infected people identified so far reached almost 117,000, revealed the Security and Defense Council. National of Ukraine (RNBO). from …

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At home: the prescription over the phone stays

[ad_1] At home: remaining telephone prescription Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”22ae6ee9-b661-497a-8982-1b9908737992″,”c_author”:”Bedő Iván”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Többet ígértek a keletnémeteknek, mint amit adni tudtak nekik – ismerte el a megszűnőben lévő NDK miniszterelnöke. De papír van az újraegyesítésről. “,”shortLead”:”Többet ígértek a …

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They remove the extra support from the schools of Gábor Iványi

[ad_1] Starting in the new school year, the government will reduce and then completely withdraw additional support from the schools of the Hungarian Evangelical Brotherhood (MET) – writes 444. MET also maintains several kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in Budapest and in areas disadvantaged of the country. EMMI wrote to …

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