
Technology: Initiated: Due to the virus, ELTE TTK banned attendance at all conferences and seminars

[ad_1] Tech: Started: Due to the virus, ELTE TTK banned all conferences and seminars | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”faccaebd-15ea-46ab-8096-7ba5e8b8d227″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Az igazságügyi miniszter második tesztje is negatív lett.”,”shortLead”:”Az igazságügyi miniszter második tesztje is negatív lett.”,”id”:”20200829_varga_judit_koronavirus_fertozes_negativ_teszt”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”eb77a5a5-31d4-4586-8d00-1d1e82b60f53″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20200829_varga_judit_koronavirus_fertozes_negativ_teszt”,”timestamp”:”2020. augusztus. 29. …

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Turnout in the Montenegrin elections was over 70 percent

[ad_1] Turnout was high, with 74.2 percent of those eligible to vote casting their vote at 7 p.m., according to the latest data. Parliamentary elections in Montenegro have ended and polling stations close at 8pm on Sunday night. The ruling pro-Western socialists are once again expected to form a government, …

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Technology: Merkely: Hundreds of thousands of people traveled abroad, so the second wave started earlier

[ad_1] Technology: Merkely: Hundreds of thousands of people traveled abroad, so the second wave started earlier Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”782ad608-412c-42a6-bf69-da88f000c26f”,”c_author”:”HVG”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A jelenléti oktatás helyett távoktatás – az emberek világában kényszerből terjedő tanítási forma jelentős könnyebbséget hozhat …

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These rules will come into effect on September 1

[ad_1] The government decree on the reintroduction of border control was published in the Hungarian Commonwealth. As we understood, Gergely Gulys from the Government announced that as of September 1, foreign citizens could only enter Hungary in exceptional cases, subject to strict security rules, and Hungarian citizens returning from the …

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these are the main legal norms in schools

[ad_1] On the first of September, that is, on Tuesday, the 2020-2021 study began, which will be very different from the previous ones due to the lightness caused by the new type of coronary disease. Both doctors and teachers must pay attention to the rules of the law, and they …

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25 million coronavirus infections have already been recorded

[ad_1] There are already 24,996,456 people infected with the coronavirus epidemic worldwide, with 842,499 deaths and 16,409,757 recovered, according to a Sunday morning summary from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. A day earlier, 24,649,431 people were registered, with 835,793 deaths and 16,121,236 recovered. The infection is present in 188 countries …

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