
Fidesz was defeated in the Hajdúszoboszló by-elections

[ad_1] Kálmán Jónás An independent candidate won Sunday’s by-elections in Hajdúszoboszló in the eighth individual electoral district (EVK), Debreciner reported based on data from the local election office. The former right-wing politician got 47 percent of the votes (350 votes) in second place Balázs Nagy, the Fidesz-KDNP-Hajdúszoboszló candidate Gazdakör-MI for …

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The Israeli government voted for a second deficit nationwide

[ad_1] The Israeli government, after a mid-day debate, voted in favor of a second strict lockout that began on Friday afternoon and lasted at least three weeks, 12-night commercial television reported Sunday night. The shortage, which begins with a strict two-week bribery lockdown agreed to in the cabinet, begins with …

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Technology: You can already tell from Google searches where the next coronavirus hotspot will be

[ad_1] Technology: Google searches already show where the next coronavirus hotspot will be Do you want to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e03ec0be-2f86-4bd4-b7a7-e9c0f457c9e7″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Cserbenhagyásos balesetben meghalt egy kerékpáros Iváncsán szombat délután.”,”shortLead”:”Cserbenhagyásos balesetben meghalt egy kerékpáros Iváncsán szombat délután.”,”id”:”20200912_Cserbenhagyasos_halalos_baleset_tortent_Ivancsan”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”fe136952-b651-46d1-81d9-a32c1fbcdc68″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20200912_Cserbenhagyasos_halalos_baleset_tortent_Ivancsan”,”timestamp”:”2020. szeptember. 12. 16:45″,”title”:”Cserbenhagyásos halálos …

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At home: seven classes from a school in Szombathely were quarantined

[ad_1] At home: seven classes from a school in Szombathely were quarantined Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”c1ea5047-01be-4f09-85c4-f4f3e7989fd0″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”A diplomáciai kapcsolatokat rendező egyezményt az amerikai Fehér Házban írják majd alá, szeptember 15-én.”,”shortLead”:”A diplomáciai kapcsolatokat rendező egyezményt az amerikai …

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Index – Meanwhile – Island Concert 2012 on Youtube

[ad_1] Photo: Tibor Dévényi’s Facebook page Generational favorite Tibor Dévényi has bad skin. The former presenter of the three wishes recently spoke about his state of health, as he himself says: he sent the volunteer to the floor for several months. I’ll honestly tell you that the depression has reached …

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