
At home: The Fidesz candidate was defeated by a big difference in Hajdúszoboszló

[ad_1] At home: Fidesz candidate was defeated by a big difference in Hajdúszoboszló Do you want to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”6e6ac73e-bd90-44dd-a786-4ee66e1d15df”,”c_author”:”Murányi Gábor”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Miközben a világlapok 1940 őszétől bőszen találgatták, ki állhat Trockij „magányos” gyilkosa mögött, a mindinkább kézivezérelt magyar sajtó még az összeesküvés …

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World: Three-week bribery order ordered in Israel for coronavirus

[ad_1] World: Three-week bribery ordered in Israel for coronavirus Do you want to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”77222bc2-b5eb-4980-823f-07d3235edd7a”,”c_author”:”HVG”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Ez már nem játék, amit az is jelez, hogy a gyerekek kezébe szánt fegyverek veszélyességéről szóló publikáció a Rechtsmedizin (Igazságügyi Orvostan) című folyóiratban jelent meg. “,”shortLead”:”Ez …

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Tightening the rules of wearing a mask – News TV

[ad_1] The new coronavirus infection was detected in 484 new Hungarian citizens, thus increasing the number of infected people identified in Hungary to 12,309. Four chronic patients died, leaving 637 dead and 4,069 already recovered. The number of actively infected people is 7,603. 43% of the actively infected, 58% of …

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National quarantine in Israel for three weeks

[ad_1] The Israeli government, after a mid-day debate, voted in favor of a second strict lockout that began on Friday afternoon and lasted at least three weeks, 12-night commercial television reported Sunday night. The short circuit, instead of the two weeks agreed in the cabinet, It starts with a strict …

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