
World: they revealed why Prince Philip was hospitalized

[ad_1] World: why Prince Philip was hospitalized revealed Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”eda6991b-1a0a-4355-81ac-d9c01ab8d6a3″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Kórházba vasárnap 256 koronavírusos beteg került, így most 4489 embert ápolnak ilyen körülmények között.”,”shortLead”:”Kórházba vasárnap 256 koronavírusos beteg került, így most 4489 embert ápolnak …

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Viktor Orbán revealed when it could reopen

[ad_1] Today, Viktor Orbán consulted with members of the Health Sciences Council, who came to the conclusion that we are in the ascending phase of the third wave of the epidemic. “We have to be careful. We must do everything possible to ensure that as many vaccines as possible reach …

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