
At home: Hungary can now choose to host or repatriate refugees

[ad_1] At home: Hungary can now choose to receive or repatriate refugees Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”6d0e5ca8-6f9a-41f8-9a4b-51f7193e9e49″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Egy héttel elhalasztják a rendkívüli uniós csúcsot, mivel Charles Michel igazoltan koronavírusos személlyel került kapcsolatba.”,”shortLead”:”Egy héttel elhalasztják a rendkívüli uniós …

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This is the difference between coronavirus and flu

[ad_1] According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization and the world’s leading professional organizations, it is more important than ever to administer the flu vaccine in the current situation. Although this is not effective against the coronavirus, fewer cases of influenza can significantly reduce the burden on medical …

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