
World: ‘This is our only chance’: Czech health minister declares state of emergency for coronavirus

[ad_1] World: “This is our only chance”: Czech Health Minister declares state of emergency due to coronavirus | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e77d8a92-fb26-4d00-9b65-f5d24169c15d”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”Panaszkodtak a lakók, hogy zavarja őket a zaj.”,”shortLead”:”Panaszkodtak a lakók, hogy zavarja őket a …

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Coronavirus: more tightening of Slovakia

[ad_1] Measures against the epidemic in Slovakia will tighten from October, and the government decided on Wednesday to re-declare a health emergency, Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovic announced, citing an increase in the number of people infected with the coronavirus. Mass events will be prohibited and it will be mandatory …

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At home: Bernadett’s abuser Russia demands 5 million HUF

[ad_1] At home: Bernadett’s abuser Russia demands 5 million HUF Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”97f87ec4-70cc-4e42-ab34-49e284d10aee”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag.ingatlan”,”description”:”A Svábhegy tetején fekvő 8600 négyzetméteres ingatlant a piaristák adták el egy Tiborcz Istvánhoz köthető cégnek.rnrn”,”shortLead”:”A Svábhegy tetején fekvő 8600 négyzetméteres ingatlant …

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The Slovak government prepares to declare an emergency

[ad_1] Anti-epidemic measures in Slovakia will tighten from October, the government decides on Wednesday to re-declare the emergency – announced Igor Matovic Slovak Prime Minister after a meeting of central crisis staff on commercial television Marquis, citing an increase in the number of people infected with the coronavirus on Monday. …

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The emergency can enter the Czech Republic

[ad_1] Propose a declaration of a state of emergency to the government Roman primrose Czech Minister of Health – writes MTI. The politician said in a statement Monday that this is the only way to curb the growing coronavirus epidemic. We definitely have to do that. We don’t have much …

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His abdomen was washed with disinfectant and the patient died

[ad_1] The Csurgó woman, whose abdominal cavity was washed with disinfectant instead of saline, died in May at the Szigetvár gynecology hospital, RTL Híradó reported. The woman went to the hospital for routine surgery; died of complications from poisoning. During the procedure, saline solution was not used to rinse the …

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Selected: László Kleinheisler does not feel in top form

[ad_1] As is well known, Marco Rossi has announced his framework for next Thursday’s European Championship qualifier against Bulgaria and the following Nations League duels, with László Kleinheisler lost. In connection with the case, we contacted the NK Osijek midfielder. Ad “After my ankle injury at the end of last …

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