
Miklós Kásler promised new health legislation

[ad_1] How do the largest private healthcare providers respond to this? It will soon be revealed: Miklós Kásler said about the Health Service Legal Relations Law: the government has been involved in the transformation and development of health care for a long time, and this process was accelerated by the …

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At Home: Kunetz Zsombor: Orbán’s Master Plan and the Duped Doctors

[ad_1] At Home: Kunetz Zsombor: Orbán’s Master Plan and the Deceived Doctors Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”0eb6aa7c-2855-4cb3-aaa2-74f3a2b60cef”,”c_author”:”Lengyel Miklós”,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Brit-francia halászati vita akadályozhatja meg az Egyesült Királyság rendezett kilépését az Európai Unióból.”,”shortLead”:”Brit-francia halászati vita akadályozhatja meg az Egyesült …

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At home: there are another 24 deaths from the coronavirus epidemic

[ad_1] At home: another 24 deaths from coronavirus epidemic | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”5eb62d30-5968-47e2-ba0e-29919e25e892″,”c_author”:”MTI /”,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”A miniszter a 75 milliomodik önindító elkészítése alkalmából elmondta, hogy gyors ütemben terjed a robotika és az automatizáció.”,”shortLead”:”A miniszter a …

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The greatest of the genre mourn Eddie Van Halen

[ad_1] He is of Dutch descent but has lived in the United States since he was a child, including Pasadena in California. Eddie van halen In vain he battled cancer for some time and despite health problems well known to the public before him, his death still shook the rock …

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The government trap is closed, in vain the victims are furious

[ad_1] In fact, the government has caught healthcare workers raising medical salaries because along with this, it passed a law that was extremely damaging to them for parliament. Parliament passed a law on the legal status of health workers, which will reform the employment rules for health workers based on …

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