
Increasingly, her parents fall in love with the Bethesda Hospital staff

[ad_1] Although at the beginning of the epidemic there was great enthusiasm, applause and recognition in the direction of health, today there is a growing parental tension, he told InfoRádió. Tamásné Bese Nóra, Chief of Communications for Bethesda Children’s Hospital. According to him, all this is completely understandable, after more …

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Primary schools are closed in the Czech Republic

[ad_1] In the Czech Republic, primary schools will be closed from Wednesday to November 1 to move on to upper secondary education. Clubs, bars and restaurants will be closed until November 3, the Czech government said after a meeting in Prague on Monday night. The measures are aimed at curbing …

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Coronavirus: testing of a vaccine suspended

[ad_1] Most of the content in the portfolio is available for free, as is this article. However, the situation in the media market is constantly changing: if you want to support quality business journalism and want to be part of the Portfolio community, subscribe to Portfolio Signature articles. Know more …

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Johnson and Johnson Vaccine Testing Suspended

[ad_1] It suspended testing of the US pharmaceutical giant Johnson and Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine on Monday after an unexplained health problem occurred in one of the test subjects, the MTI wrote. The company is one of those competing to be the first to produce a vaccine against the disease. Trials …

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