
Nearly half a million new infections were found in one day

[ad_1] There are already 40,344,310 people in the world infected with the coronavirus epidemic, with 1,117,539 deaths and 27,627,761 survivors at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Central European time, Tuesday morning. A day earlier, 39,898,689 infected people were registered, which means that 445,000 new infections were registered in the last …

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World: Even in cars, the Czech government has made wearing a mask mandatory

[ad_1] World: Even in cars, the Czech government has forced to wear a mask. Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1230fc6e-cd62-4fa8-aef4-4baa70dda934″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”Egy autószerelő műhelyben robbant fel vélhetően egy gázüzemű autó tartálya. Az esetről videó is készült.”,”shortLead”:”Egy autószerelő műhelyben robbant …

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Sport: Hundreds of thousands of HUF VIP passes for Fradi BL matches rushed

[ad_1] Sport: Hundreds of thousands of VIP HUF passes for Fradi BL matches rushed | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”2d49a2bf-f67c-4a2f-ad82-fd30ed1668ea”,”c_author”:”MTI /”,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”A Chevron Autónak még nincs Kínán kívüli üzeme, az első ilyet pedig Magyarországon, Miskolcon nyitják …

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At home: Péter Jakab brought Orbán a bag of chips, Máté Kocsis took it from him

[ad_1] At home: Péter Jakab brought Orbán a bag of chips, Máté Kocsis took it from him | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”621af913-6c78-4b38-bf87-1e1485e3b5db”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”sport”,”description”:”A szervezők speciális orvosi központot alakítanak ki az olimpiai faluban.”,”shortLead”:”A szervezők speciális orvosi központot …

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At home: the Hungarian Medical Chamber offered an eight-point pledge to the government

[ad_1] At home: the Hungarian Medical Chamber offered an eight-point pledge to the government Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”08ea185b-d1ff-4d76-b55c-8863c13932a7″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”A lombkoronákat összekötő, kétágú kötélhidat készítettek kutatók a Hajnan szigetén élő, súlyosan veszélyeztetett hajnani gibbon megmentésére. A kizárólag …

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