
Technology: Scientists have been told what a child’s agenda should look like

[ad_1] Technology: Scientists have been told what a child’s agenda should look like Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”4f2d33d8-2451-40df-ae46-5ececd05791c”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”Az emberekre támadó cápafajok nagyon érzékenyek a víz hőmérsékletváltozására és a halakat követve olyan partokhoz is közel úsznak, ahol …

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France plans to impose restrictions until April 2021

[ad_1] Most of the content in the portfolio is available for free, as is this article. However, the situation in the media market is constantly changing: if you want to support quality business journalism and want to be part of the Portfolio community, subscribe to Portfolio Signature articles. Know more …

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World: There are already more than a million registered infections in Spain

[ad_1] World: There are already more than a million registered infections in Spain Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”97a08337-e5c3-4e97-8e89-bc7e9eb43687″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Két exobolygót fedeztek fel svájci csillagászok a Mexikóban lévő SAINT-EX obszervatórium segítségével.”,”shortLead”:”Két exobolygót fedeztek fel svájci csillagászok a Mexikóban …

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